New Goals for the New Year!
Jan 18th, 2024 | Hire Wire
As the New Year starts, we tend to think about resolutions and goals for ourselves. One of the things we encourage our consultants to do is to do some introspection and think about what to prioritize for the New Year. Here are some great things to think about as you think about your growth for 2024!
Establish Work Goals:
After the Holidays is a perfect time for people to think about their current roles within their organization and ponder where your next step would be. The next step doesn’t necessarily equate to a new role, it can also be related to professional development in your current role. Are there changes in the market that have affected your role or are there new technologies that can be incorporated into your job to increase your efficiency at work?
Thinking and journaling these goals are important as is revisiting what you have written on a monthly basis.
Evaluate How You Will Better Your Work-Life Integration Techniques:
With Employers wanting more employees in the office, employees are having greater concern about the balancing act involved in their Work and Personal lives. The common term we hear about is work-life balance, however thought leaders are now challenging people to think of Work-Life Integration. We won’t be able to truly separate our work and personal lives, but we can take pieces of our work and personal lives and strategize on how we can integrate our worlds. For example, setting a schedule for when you will be completely focused on work and when you will ensure to be directed towards your personal goals can be a strategy. If your company has volunteer opportunities, asking whether you can be involved with family can be another way to integrate your work and personal life.
Promote a Positive Work Culture:
Take the time each day or week to reach out and connect with people at work. Kindness is contagious and when we take the time to reach out to people it reverberates through the entire team. Some ways you can reach out to people, is to compliment them on their strengths! Also, taking time to help another colleague on a project can decrease the pressure of their workload and can strengthen your own skills as well. Sending Thank You notes and cards can also go a long way.
Promote Your Own Personal Growth:
Is there a hobby your have ever wanted to take up or goals you have for your home life? Perhaps you want to just make a goal of spending more time relaxing or perhaps you want to change your mindset. Just as goals are very important our path to reaching our goals are equally important. Its important for us to realize our path to our goals. If we take the time to investigate what makes us happy, we can ensure we are engaging in activities that give us the highest happiness quotient.
At the end of the day our happiness, wellbeing and personal growth is what our lives will consist of.
We hope you all had a wonderful Holiday Season and wishing you all a Happy 2024!