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Pendulum Swing: From Negativity to Positivity

Oct 28th, 2015

I can’t help but notice lately that so many headlines in our world today are revolving around negativity. Whether seen on TV, newspapers, or our social media newsfeeds, we have suddenly become numb to the violence and sadness that takes place every day. Since the news is a 24/7 cycle that never ends, we can be surrounded constantly with negative stories and headlines! Don’t get me wrong, I love to be informed and am a news junkie, but there are days where I wish we paid more attention to the good that is simultaneously happening in the world.

This got me thinking, everything is a domino effect and each of us has the power to individually impact someone else’s day. Even the smallest effort can make a huge impact on someone else’s life. Which is why I challenge you to join me in my #ConnectorsWhoCare movement. Kindness is one of the most infectious things in this world and one of the best mood boosters around. Not only might this influence your personal life, but also your work life.

So we’re going to challenge you to do 3 nice things a day for people in your life. These people could be friends, family, strangers, or even pets. Each day we want everyone to increase the positivity in the world by posting 3 nice things you’ve done using the hashtag #ConnectorsWhoCare. The nice actions can be as small as complimenting a co-worker’s outfit, holding the door for someone, or even calling a long distance friend to say hello. Or you could take large actions like buying someone lunch or paying it forward by treating someone behind you in the coffee line. Ultimately we’re hoping the #ConnectorsWhoCare movement can shift the balance of negativity towards a more positive world.

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Let’s start with a conversation.