The Connector Ed. 65
Mar 1st, 2023 | The Connector

Okay...the cat is out of the bag!
We couldn't wait to share what we did for our TOC team members for Employee Appreciation Day! What are you planning on doing for your incredible teammates? There is still time to surprise them with something this Friday, March 3rd!
Earlier this month we surprised our team members with chocolate treats from Sweet Ashley's Chocolates! 🍫
A majority of team members took their time to enjoy them, others hid them from their family members, and for some, the chocolates didn't last one day!
We love the element of surprise and will continue to do that for our team...what should we do next?
1. You'll Get Better Candidates if You Stop Focusing on These Things
Here are some tips on how you can stop making mistakes while looking for candidates, read in more detail at the link below!
- Update your job descriptions
- Open up about real problems
- Stop focusing on behavioral interview questions
Read the full article here!
2. 3 Ways Leaders Can Use Communication to Improve Mental Well-being
Jennifer Gendron, mother of two, and manager of many, shares how her communication impacts the people around her. She dives into the importance of ongoing two-way communication built on trust. Read the full article below for three tactics that have been successful for her in the past and present, for both her teams and her personal life.
Read the full article here!
3. 4-Day Workweek Trial: Shorter hours, happier employees
The world's largest four-day workweek trial, which took place in Britain, revealed that most of the 61 employers that took part from June to December will continue with the shorter hours and that most employees reported less stress and improved work-life balance. Learn more about the results of this trial and what this could mean for the future of work at the link below!
Read the full article here!
4. Upcoming TOC March Signature Events
TOC Talent Office Hours
Join us for TOC Talent Office Hours where our dedicated Talent experts, open the floor for your questions and address some of the critical talent issues we are all facing in the workplace. We are now an SHRM Recertification Provider and an HRCI Provider.
Upcoming Session:
Thursday, March 9th🔷 3:00 - 4:00 PM EST
How to Join:
Please register here!
- HRCI 1.0 Credit
The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s®’s (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.
TOC HR Office Hours
Join us for TOC HR Office Hours where our dedicated HR experts address some of the critical Human Resources issues we are all facing in the workplace. We are now an SHRM Recertification Provider and an HRCI Provider.
Upcoming Session:
Thursday, March 23rd 🔷 3:00 - 4:00 PM EST
How to Join:
Please register here!
- HRCI 1.0 Credit
The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s®’s (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.
5. Thought Leadership - The Latest Trends!
Each month our Human Resources and Talent Acquisition team members deliver this valuable resource to keep you in the know of the latest topics and trends impacting the people part of your business.
In our first edition of HireWire, previously, Hire Design Blog, "The EAP, An Untapped Employee Benefit," Human Resources Partner, Stephanie McClure, outlines the importance of having an EAP, or Employer-Sponsored Employee Assistance Plan.