Workplace Insights: What's Hot, What's Not Ed. 5
Feb 23rd, 2023 | Workplace Insights

Your latest INSIGHTS & TRENDS for the Week of February 20, 2022. There are so many current headlines surrounding the workplace, it's hard to keep up. To make this as easy as possible for you, Workplace Insights: What's Hot, What's Not, will provide you with the latest updates that may impact your organization as it relates to market trends and current industry insights. |
✅Join us today at 3:00pm! 4. Update on the FTC’s proposed limits on non-competes – What can employers do to prepare? 5. New York rolls out 12-week paid parental leave policy for state workers. We hope you are benefiting from this resource. If you have anything you would like to add or specific questions, please drop us a line. |